LaquettaOshkeyia & KeyountaiJayna getting tired of looking prettyMe trying to capture Laquetta & Jayna "WITHOUT" that fake smile...
"Love u girls"Me making Laquetta wait for the right moment with the wind blowing.Heather, capturing her being more natural..Having a fun picture of Gage
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Me, Daryl, My Brother Scotty, His Wife Renee & their "SEVEN" Kids
(Plus Renee's Sister's Little Boy)...
In Front Left to Right..
Gage,Noah, Keyountai, Isaiah, Scotty.
In Back Left to Right.
Renee, Laquetta, Oshkeyia, Jayna, Heather.
"My baby sitting Techniques"   ( I know, "I SUCK!")

In this video I was to watch the 3 boys while Scotty & Renee finally could get out and try to enjoy themselves.
(Before any one goes reporting me to GBI of Baby Sitters, whe finally got him to shut up.)